Friday, 26/04/2024

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LaoVietBank launches QR Pay service on LaoVietBank Digital Banking application from February 01, 2018

  • LaoVietBank QR Pay is a new feature that allows customers to use LaoVietBank Smart Banking application to scan the QR Code to make money transfer and payment when shopping at the store.
  • LaoVietBank QR Pay service allows you to download QR Codes from your device's photo library or directly scan your account / order / service / product QR code to scan, read and automatically retrieve account / service / encrypted information in the QR code. After that, the user performs authentication (by entering OTP or fingerprint) to complete the transaction.
  • QR Pay service is available on LaoVietBank Smart Banking version 2.4.2 or later (if using lower version, please go to Google Play or Apple Store for update.

Target customers:

  • Target customers using QR Pay service: are individual customers of LaoVietBank using LaoVietBank Smart Banking products.
  • Acceptable Payments QR Pay Units: Shops, merchants, and service providers who need and qualify to apply for a QR Pay payment.
  • Guidelines for QR Pay service