Tuesday, 30/04/2024

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The Personal Business Loan

Business household loan is a credit product to support capital resources and help customers add working capital.


- Business households demand for loans for production and business.

- Competitive, reasonable interest rates, interest calculated on descending outstanding balance.

- Maximum loan is 80% of value of the collateral.


Individual customers and households


- Type of currency for loan: LAK (In case the customers demand for loans in foreign currency, it must be consistent with current regulations of the State Bank ofLaos and guidance of LaoVietBank on lending in foreign currencies).

- Interest rate: Under the provisions of LaoVietBank in each period.

- Loan period: 12 months.

- Form of repayment: Quarterly principal payment.

: Monthly interest payment.

- Collateral: Real estate and other assets owned by the customer or the third party.


- To have certificate of business registration forhousehold business and other license (if required by law).

- To have place of business registration and location of project implementation, production and business plans at the same area with the business units.

- Manufacturing activities have been stable for 12 months or more (if repayment source derives from production and business activities).

- To have legitimate collateral to secure the loan.

Profile of loan

- Loan application form (under the form of LaoVietBank)

- Option of loans (under the form LaoVietBank).

- Certificate of business registration, tax identification number;

- Financial statements, sales tracking records, sale and purchase invoice, etc

- Profile of collateral.


If you have questions or need further guidance, please contact the Chamber staff customer relations, Lao Viet Joint Venture Bank by phone number and email below:

- Tel. 021 216316;

- E-mail: phongquanhekhachhang@yahoo.com